our services
Sahan Mental Hospital has these services

Mental Healthcare
Mental health problems can affect the way you think, feel and behave. They range from common mental health problems,

Sahan Hospital provides Vocational rehabilitation which is based on the assumption that work does not only improve activity, social contacts etc.

Skills Training
“Sahan Center is one of the best Psychiatric Health Care Center in Somaliland giving standard services to both the Somalilanders and International communities.”

Treated and educated paitients

Deducated employees

Skilled Medics

General Information
Admission process

Admission will made at Hospital’s reception

Only Psychiatrists do admission at Sahan Hospital.
Our care & Clinical Services
How we do our services differently

24 hrs emergency service

Patients can stay with family

Safety first

Compehensive Advices

Highly Competent Staff

Patient Assessement

emergency assessment

intensive care

trust us

Tel: +252 (634) 242-848

WhatsApp: +971 (557) 323-298

Office: +252 (634) 110-688